10 Easy Steps to Goals Fulfillment

By Monica Simpson

marathon runners

Photo by Joseph Cirone / Wikimedia Commons

I bet the fulfillment of your goals would leave the world more peaceful, your family deeply connected and your social life on the upswing. Your romantic, physical, spiritual and financial experiences would also be much more satisfying.

Road to goals success starts with action

Congratulations on thinking highly enough of yourself to know that you can make a positive difference, that you can advance. I hope that you know the actions that you must take to achieve your goals. If not, another 365 days could pass without you causing the outcomes that you promised yourself at the start of the year.

Be kind to yourself. Love yourself. Don’t let be another fruitless year. Here’s help. But, don’t stop at reading these 10 easy steps to goals achievement. Reading alone doesn’t count. Implement the steps, including the results measurement part. To begin:

  • Type your top three to five goals into a Word or Excel document. You could also write your goals in a journal or spiral notebook. It’s important to use a document that you can return to throughout the year. It’s also important that you write your goals down.
  • Give definition to your goals. If you practice awareness, that definition may have come to your through a night dream or a vision.
  • When you give definition to your goals, you’ll see colors, hear sounds and sense emotions that you’ll feel after your goals become reality. Don’t just think about your goals, add specific features to your goals when you think about them.
  •  See your goals in pictures. This helps to move goals beyond vague wishes, turning them into detailed or defined experiences.

More right action to reach goals

  • Research the resources and training that you might need. For example, if you want to find a cure for schizophrenia or another mental illness, research current studies and laboratory work that’s being done in search of a cure.
  • Find out what licenses you need. Read mental health research reports. Join the right mental health associations.
  • Learn as much as you can about patients and therapists who are dealing with the illness. If you back out on the research step of your goals, you may not care enough about the goals to fulfill them.
  • Put the specific actions that you will take to achieve your goals into print. If you do this right, you should have at least eight action steps beneath each of your goals. Let’s say you want to sale more than 200 copies of your books a week.
  • Specific action steps could include scheduling 10 radio interviews a week, holding 10 private Facebook and Twitter book club discussions a week, at least once a week writing and publishing one new blog posts at your book blog and hiring three marketing agencies to conduct social media, print and offline book marketing initiatives for you.

Check out these extra easy action steps

  • As a tip, some action steps might include saying “good-bye” to people who continuously choose to think and harbor toxic thoughts. Measure these actions. Create a column next to the specific action steps that you will take that’s titled “Results”. Update your results throughout the year. Set aside time to actually sit down and measure the results of your actions. This way, you’ll know early if and where you need to make changes.
  • Create a contact list. People to add to the list include influencers in the industry or market that tie into your goals. Add these people’s names, companies, email addresses and telephone numbers to the contact list. Keep in touch with these people at least once a quarter.
  • Track your dreams. They may offer clues to actions that you can take to reach your goals sooner. Dreams can also reveal changes that you need to make to stay on course.
  • Count your blessings. This one sounds simple, but it has impact. The energy of appreciation is powerful.

Keep hidden motivations in sight

  • Stay flexible. Listen to others when they share insights about you, the way that you think and habits that you engage in. Insights that people who care about you share, people who go after their own goals, could sharpen your resolve and stir your passions when you’re starting to doubt that your goals will come true.
  • Encourage and motivate yourself. Listen to deep meditation tapes. Set your radio dial to stations that play uplifting or inspiring music. Other ways to encourage and motivate yourself include hanging empowering quotes and images on your apartment or house walls. Reading articles and books that boost your energy and lift your spirits is also effective.

Inside you, there is a huge dream. It’s so big that you may have spent several years repressing the dream, pushing it away and telling yourself that the dream isn’t yours. It is.

You don’t believe the dream is yours because you think you don’t have what it takes to fulfill the dream. It’s time you stopped telling yourself that lie.

You hold the keys to your goals

You do have what it takes to fulfill your huge dreams. You have what it takes to achieve your goals. Achieving your goals puts you closer to the fulfillment of your life’s big dream. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. Imagine this. What if it’s going to take 40 years for you to complete the steps that lead you into your life’s huge dream?

Skip a step, delay taking the actions that align with your spiritual, personal, financial and relationship goals for a month, just a single month, and you could add another two years to the time it takes to enter your life’s huge dream.

It’s not just about time. You won’t reach lasting happiness if you leave a big gap in your heart. You won’t reach lasting serenity and confidence if you keep ignoring your true self. Feeding your false self, flesh or ego will find your chasing wind. You’ll go from one short term pick-up to another, never enjoying lasting happiness.

This is the year to leave no stone unturned. This is the year to succeed. Throughout the year, recall these steps that can help you fulfill your oals. Advance, action by action.

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10 Easy Steps to Goals Fulfillment

Where to Find Inexpensive Home Office Furniture

Inexpensive furniture can make it financially possible for you to rent a luxury apartment home. You could also have enough money to put a good down payment on that house that you have wanted to purchase for several years. It could be the house that you see each time you drive to work or pass on your way to the mall or another shopping area.

Difference between inexpensive furniture and cheap furniture

To ensure that you get quality, inexpensive furniture, get a clear on the difference between inexpensive furniture and cheap furniture. Cheap furniture may not cost much or it might have a high price tag. What cheap furniture won’t do is be durable for a long period of time.

Some cheap furniture will start to break down within one year. Padding in cheap furniture can flatten, creating dents and sink holes in sofas and chairs. Cheap furniture also scratches and stains easily. Another thing that might happen with cheap furniture is that it might become off balance.

You’ll notice this if your kitchen and living room chairs start to tilt or lean to one side. Coffee and end tables can also become off balance. It’s why you might see manually inserted balancers at the bottom of some table and chair legs. Also, drawers in dressers and other furniture pieces that are glued or nailed together are other signs that furniture is cheap. Quality furniture pieces may be dovetailed. They are also knot free.

How to test house furniture

On the other hand, quality furniture can be inexpensive. It doesn’t have to be pricey. Just make sure that you test furniture regardless of where you buy it or how much the furniture cost. Following are a few ways that you can test the durability and quality of house furniture, including inexpensive furniture:

  • Check the binding in furniture pieces. Again, dovetailed or mortise joiners are good.
  • Scratch check furniture by running a fingernail over the top of a wood piece. If it scratches, it’s probably a cheap piece of furniture.
  • Sit on furniture to test the coiling. Quality furniture is hand coiled. The coil in cheap furniture might poke you.
  • Place weight on tables and chairs to ensure that they are evenly balanced.
  • Turn over chair and sofa cushions. Good cushions look and work well on either side.

Finding quality, inexpensive furniture

It’s possible to find inexpensive furniture in remote locations as well as in major cities. You just have to know where to look. Following are great places to where you can find quality, inexpensive furniture:

  • Furniture consignment shops
  • Antique shows, including traveling antique shows
  • Name brand furniture outlet stores
  • Flea markets (you might pick up quality decorative furniture pieces at flea markets)
  • Yard sales
  • Online furniture stores
  • Foreclosure auctions

    To recoup money on a foreclosed home, banks might sell quality furniture at low prices. This could be a good chance to get quality furniture at inexpensive prices. Older relatives and people you know who are relocating into a larger or smaller home are also good resources. In fact, theses people might be looking for someone who will purchase their furniture, even quality furniture that they may have had in their family for several years.
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Where to Find Inexpensive Home Office Furniture

How a Second Home Could Offer Protection

second home picture

Wikimedia Commons
















By Nicole Peters

Second homes aren’t just for the wealthy. Even more, not all people with financial wealth buy a second home to showcase their financial level. Opportunity to spend time in a location that they love without incurring hotel costs and the chance to offer their adult children and other family members a place to visit or vacation are reasons why some people with wealth invest in a second home.

Protective and travel reasons to invest in a second home

Here are more reasons why people buy second homes. Each reason comes with a benefit that you might not realize unless you’re in a natural disaster like a flood, hurricane, earthquake or tornado:

  • Vacation home in an entirely different region than you live in – In addition to buying a second home in the United States, you could invest in a second home that’s located in another country.
  • Equity – A second home could help you to build even more equity. Find someone to lease the property you and a second home could pay for itself.
  • Business space – As an entrepreneur, you could use a second house as the location where employees who support your business work. Types of businesses that this could be a good fit for include graphic design, interior design, restaurant, barber shop, beauty salon and marketing.
  • College residence – The second house that you buy could end up being the off-campus residence for a niece, nephew or your adult child. On an annual basis, it could be a less expensive option than paying for on-campus housing.
  • Relocation – Companies might cover some or all of your relocation expenses if it was senior management who asked you to relocate. Should you relocate on your own, you might be responsible for picking up all relocation expenses. An existing second home in a relocation area could save you hundreds of thousands in relocation costs.

Second homes can protect entire families

A second home could become your primary residence if you relocate. Should your first home suffer irreparable damage, your second home might also serve as a much welcomed protection from hard natural elements like floods, falling rocks, mud slides and damaging high winds.

This protection is realized if you buy a second home in a location that’s far from your primary residence. But, it’s not just property that you could receive this way. When you own a house that’s 100 or more miles away from your primary residence, you could move to an area where gasoline, utility and other costs aren’t skyrocketing as a way to deal with a devastating storm.

You don’t have to invest top dollar in a second home. A small, low price one bedroom house that’s no more than 1,000 square feet could serve as a great second home for one to three people. In the event that the house does become your primary residence, you could add one or more rooms onto the house.

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How a Second Home Could Offer Protection

Designing a House That Supports Your Dreams

By Erica Simpson














Your home should support your deepest dreams. After all, it’s your personal dreams that work like a fuel that keeps you advancing from one life stage to another. Dreams inspire, motivate and energize. Yet, personal dreams are also attacked, questioned and perceived with doubt, especially when the path to achieving personal dreams gets blocks or does not turn out to be smooth, straight and even.

Houses that support your dreams are first healthy homes

Even people who sincerely care about you can make statements that leave you feeling flattened and as if you’re incapable of achieving your deepest dreams. The last thing that you want is to live in a house that makes it that much harder to do what you most want to do.

If you’re serious about designing a house that supports your dreams, make sure that your house is healthy. Get your house inspected again if you need to. Ensure that your house is free of toxic materials and chemicals like mold, mildew, damp carpet, pests, unclean drinking water, asbestos, radon and high levels of carbon monoxide.

Stock kitchen cabinets, your pantry and refrigerator with healthy foods. Fresh leafy, green vegetables, fruit and high protein snacks are a good start. Drinking plenty of fresh water is another way to ensure that your energy levels stay high enough for you to easily take the actions that lead you closer to your dreams.

Dream supporting homes are at your command

Here are more ways that you can design a house that supports your dreams. You might be surprised at how simple some of these steps are:

  • Design a house floor plan that makes it easy for you to move throughout your house
  • Remove clutter from your home, as a clutter free house could inspire clutter free thinking
  • Hang positive affirmations and positive quotes on decorative canvases in your home
  • Place a comfortable, durable bed in your house (avoid sleeping on the sofa, as sleeping on the sofa could cause back pain and other structural problems)
  • Install window treatments that invite lots of natural light inside your house
  • Build a home office that has the right technology including a quality laptop or desktop, printer, copier and filing system
  • Stock your kitchen with fresh foods
  • Place exercise equipment in your house that makes it easy for you to get your heart rate up and build muscle
  • Spend time inside your home with people who are positive and who support your personal dreams

Pursuing personal dreams at home

Absent personal dreams it can be hard to keep advancing with vigor and enthusiasm. It is a personal dream that can make you feel as if what you contribute to humanity will be vital and necessary. If you design a home that supports your dreams, you could stay on track toward fulfilling your highest goals.

A healthy house is part of that rewarding design. Positive quotes and positive affirmations framed on your house walls are other rewarding design elements. So too are uninhibited floor plans, space, work areas and home office equipment and supplies.

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Designing a House That Supports Your Dreams

Here’s What a Home Office Could Cost You

Home office picture

A home office is a pathway to greater independence, financial freedom and improved work and life balance for some people. All it takes to design a home office at some residences is a spare bedroom, a large walk-in closet or a finished basement. That’s the space design part. Actually making a home office pay off personally, time wise and financially is not always as easy as it might seem.


Home office disasters are not an illusion

In fact, if you’re not fully ready to work out of a home office, working from home could prove disastrous. It could also set up a regretful situation between your children, spouse, extended family and you. That’s why clear personal goals and well defined personal and work boundaries are key to win while working out of a home office. Without clear boundaries, here are just a few disasters that could strike after you start working from a home office:

  • Falling behind in work to the point that you put your employment in jeopardy (Run too many personal errands and you could struggle to keep up with work projects.)
  • Growing utility bills (Run the air conditioner or heater all day and you could see your utility bills rise.)
  • Poor health (Working out of a home office could make it too tempting to snack or munch on unhealthy, sugary foods.)
  • Lower mental clarity (A home office could prevent you from having to worry about a supervisor standing over your shoulder watching what you’re working on – this alone could find you watching television, checking personal emails and answering the phone, all while you try to focus on work.)
  • Slower working ability (If your home office technology is outdated, it could take you longer to finish routine assignments.)
  • Less respect (Working from home could create the perception that you’re not fully invested in your work. This could affect your performance ratings. It could also tempt relatives, friends and neighbors to ask you to run their personal errands.)

Clarity of purpose is a must for home office success

Similar to how you could be excited about getting hired to work a new job only to discover that you are not a good fit for your new employer or the work that you’re now doing, you could set up a home office and find out that it was one of the worst working decisions that you’ve ever made. Clarity of purpose can help you to know if a home office is right for you.

Clear boundaries like established and clearly communicated work hours and allowed numbers of personal distractions are crucial. Boundaries need to be established and clearly communicated before you start working from home.

Without these boundaries, you could end up running errands for relatives, neighbors and friends. This is because people might assume that you’re not really working simply because you are not commuting to an offsite business location.

On your own part, you could assume that you’re able to look after your young children while you work from home if you don’t set up clear boundaries. You could also end up working 60 or more hours a week, constantly coming up with one task after another that you really ought to complete before you call it a day.

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Here’s What a Home Office Could Cost You