Jeff Rasley, an Indiana native who practiced law for 30 years, joins Off The Shelf Books Talk Radio. The one hour feature interview has been hosted by author Denise Turney for 16 years, making Jeff Rasley among a wide array of insightful authors, bestselling writers, literary agents and movie producers. Polarized, Hero’s Journey, Island Adventures, Bringing Progress to Paradise and False Prophet are books written by Rasley that are set to be explored.
Mixing Law and Adventure
An adventurer and natural storyteller, Rasley shares details of his experiences as a mountain climber, particularly the time that he got lost from his climbing team for half a day. Experiences hitchhiking across the United States, trekking to Basa and growing up in a small Midwestern town are other insights that Off The Shelf Books Talk Radio listeners gain from tuning into the show. Listeners can also get the inside scoop on Rasley’s experience looking into the eye of a whale.
Yet, it’s Jeff Rasley’s sharing of the inspiration behind his book, False Prophet, that leaves impact as it relates to current day social injustices. “The story is based upon a real life case that I fought,” Rasley shares. “I took the case all the way to the state supreme court,” Rasley continues.
Heart of False Prophet
At the heart of the story, is a pastor who buys abandoned buildings to reshape them into recreation centers and structures to hold positive community events in. All seems well until a company decides to build upscale homes and retail stores on the property. It is at this point that the situation gets dicey.
Off The Shelf Books Talk Radio listeners will have the chance to ask Jeff Rasley how he constructs a story. They can also ask him about the actual case that the book False Prophet is based upon.
More About Jeff Rasley
Jeff Rasley is an avid traveler. He leads Himalayan treks and mountaineering expeditions, has scuba dived throughout the Caribbean, and sea-kayaked in Palau, Tonga, and the Greek Isles. Jeff is also an avid social activist. He earned his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Chicago. He was a letter winner in swimming and football. Jeff earned a JD from Indiana University Law School. To date, Jeff Rasley has authored 10 books.
Off The Shelf ( airs live on Saturday at 11am/EST. The show’s host, Denise Turney, is the author of the books Long Walk Up, Portia, Spiral, Love Has Many Faces, Rosetta The Talent Show Queen, Gada’s Glory and Gregory The Lionhearted. Her new book, Love Pour Over Me, is a coming of age romantic mystery.
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Dr. Sara Zeff Geber, founder of LifeEncore, a life planning and consultancy firm for Baby Boomers, joins Denise Turney, host of Off The Shelf Books Talk Radio. A true innovator, Dr. Geber is the nation’s foremost authority on solo aging. She is also the author of the book Essential Retirement Planning For Solo Agers. The book has been selected as a “best book on aging well” by the Wall Street Journal.
Solo Agers Preparing for Retirement
During the interview, Off The Shelf listeners learn what the term “solo agers” means. And, it’s the definition that pricks the mind and concern of the show’s listeners. In addition to diving further into the solo agers’ challenges, goals, support system and lifestyle, Turney and Dr. Geber talk about estate planning. As part of the feature interview, they also discuss respite for care givers and retirement planning, including Social Security and pensions.
Developing a worksheet legacy, retirement community living options and aging in place are other pertinent topics that Turney and Dr. Geber take on. While on Off The Shelf Books Talk Radio, Dr. Geber shares that she worked for Lockheed Martin before she launched out on her own as a consultant in 1990. “I have been drawn to leadership roles since I was a child,” Dr. Sara Geber shares. “
After I realized that I was already offering consulting services to clients, I decided to start my own company,” Dr. Geber continues. “Furthermore, being a solo ager, I saw a need to help Baby Boomers better prepare for retirement, and decided to help fill that need.”
Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers
Essential Retirement Planning For Solo Agers is part of Dr. Sara Geber’s good work. So too is her company LifeEncore. Services offered to Baby Boomers and other solo agers through LifeEncore include working with couples, families and individuals, offering them solutions to live a rewarding second half of their life.
“It’s never too early to start retirement planning,” Off The Shelf Books Talk Radio host, Denise Turney, shares. “What Dr. Geber shares can help millions of Baby Boomers, their children and extended families.”
Off The Shelf Books Talk Radio listeners will have the opportunity to ask Dr. Sara Geber and Denise Turney about retirement planning and solo aging tips. Other areas spotlighted include how Dr. Geber uses public speaking events to market and promote books. Even more, working with a book publishing on a print-on-demand arrangement is also discussed.
About Dr. Sara Zeff Geber
Dr. Sara Zeff Geber is an author, public speaker and workshop leader. The retirement planning consultant is also the founder of LifeEncore, a life planning and consultancy firm for Baby Boomers. Sara helps people prepare to live a rewarding and victorious life after retirement. She has a doctorate in Counseling and Human Behavior and a master’s in Guidance and Counseling.
Her bachelor’s degree is in Psychology. She has appeared in several media outlets, including USA Today, The Huffington Post and the Longevity Network. Sara loves the outdoors and singing soprano in community choirs. She is also the author of the book, Essential Retirement Planning For Solo Agers.
Off The Shelf ( airs live on Saturday at 11am/EST. The show’s host, Denise Turney, is the author of the books Long Walk Up, Portia, Spiral, Love Has Many Faces, Rosetta The Talent Show Queen, Gada’s Glory and Gregory The Lionhearted. Her new book, Love Pour Over Me, is a coming of age romantic mystery.
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Former collegiate track and field coach, Elliot Mason, introduces his book, The Arlington Orders, to Off The Shelf Books Talk Radio listeners ( Elliot graduated from the University of Southern California in 1989 with a bachelor’s degree in History.
Researching The Arlington Orders
And, it’s this degree that he puts to good use while researching the material for The Arlington Orders. The book is a mystery thriller that relies heavily on real life Civil War events. “To research material for The Arlington Orders, I visited each historic location mentioned in the book,” Elliot tells Denise Turney, host of Off The Shelf Books Talk Radio. Elliot continues, “Much of my time was spent in Virginia as that’s where most of the events take place.”
Arlington Orders On Off The Shelf Books Radio
In addition to exploring the makings of The Arlington Orders, during the Off The Shelf radio interview, Denise Turney and Elliot Mason discuss the importance of aligning historical fiction to real life events. Additionally, listeners are treated to inside scoop on what happened to confederate president Jefferson Davis.
They also learn about hidden treasure that was never found after the Civil War. Search for this treasure is the focal point of the story. Mystery writer, Elliot Mason, does a masterful job fleshing out and describing the book’s major characters, particularly Des Cook and Madison Callum.
Even more, Off The Shelf Books Talk Radio listeners will have the opportunity to ask Elliot Mason and Denise Turney about shortcuts to gathering material to write historical fiction. Elliot also shares book marketing tips. Book lovers and history buffs also gain insight into Elliot’s next novel. This second book is a mystery thriller that may see a reemergence of characters from The Arlington Orders.
Meet Mystery Books Writer Elliot Mason
Elliot Mason grew up in Southern California. He graduated from the University of Southern California in 1989 with a bachelor’s degree in History. Furthermore, he earned a master’s degree from Azusa Pacific University. Elliot has also worked as a college track and field coach and website developer and manager. In 2013, Elliot transitioned from coaching to writing full-time. His first book, The Arlington Orders, was released in 2019. Elliot is working on his second novel, a book titled The Legal Killer.
Off The Shelf ( airs live on Saturday at 11am/EST. The show’s host, Denise Turney, is the author of the books Long Walk Up, Portia, Spiral, Love Has Many Faces, Rosetta The Talent Show Queen, Gada’s Glory and Gregory The Lionhearted. Her new book, Love Pour Over Me, is a coming of age romantic mystery.
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Heleen Kist works as a Dutch synergy consultant, helping large firms and major corporations to map out strategies to continue developing innovative products and services. Yet, for all of her success as the chief executive officer of her own synergy consulting firm, it’s not business that Heleen and Denise will discuss.
Meet Books Author Heleen Kist
During the Off The Shelf radio interview, Denise Turney and Heleen Kist talk about what it was like for Heleen growing up as the daughter of a diplomat. Impact French schools that Heleen attended, schools that put significant emphasis on literature, is another topic discussed during the Off The Shelf Books Talk Radio interview.
The authors will also talk about the impact that a Facebook announcement had on the beginnings of Heleen Kist’s novel writing career. New book authors may especially enjoy getting the inside scoop on how Heleen maps out the details of her novels before she starts fleshing out the characters.
Books In The #MeToo Age
Off The Shelf Books Talk Radio listeners will have the opportunity to ask Heleen Kist and Denise Turney about character development, book marketing and where and how to find new book readers. Listeners will also get introduced to Glory and Grace, two sisters who star in Heleen’s novel, In Servitude. Insight into how Glory got involved with the underworld is also revealed, even if only slightly.
While exploring Heleen’s new book, Stay Mad, Sweetheart, Heleen shares why the book is a feminists thriller. Sexism, hurtful traditions and micro-aggressions that take place in society and in the workplace are hallmarks of Stay Mad, Sweetheart. This is a book that some readers have said helped enlighten them to their own micro-aggressions and sexist behaviors, a definite plus in the forward moving age of #MeToo.
Award Winning Fiction
Heleen Kist is a wife, mother, Dutch strategy consultant and the author of the books Stay Mad, Sweetheart and In Servitude. She was chosen as an up-and-coming new author at Bloody Scotland 2018. Her first novel, In Servitude, won the silver medal for Best European Fiction at the Independent Publishers Book Awards in the United States and was shortlisted for The Selfies awarded at the London Book Fair.
Off The Shelf ( airs live on Saturday at 11am/EST. The show’s host, Denise Turney, is the author of the books Long Walk Up, Portia, Spiral, Love Has Many Faces, Rosetta The Talent Show Queen, Gada’s Glory and Gregory The Lionhearted. Her new book, Love Pour Over Me, is a coming of age romantic mystery.
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Virtual walks, wearing the breast cancer pink ribbon and breast cancer awareness bracelets are just some of the ways that women and men celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There are also corporate sponsorships for breast cancer fundraisers. Pink breast cancer awareness balloons, breast cancer awareness gifts and healthy food treats like fruit baskets, roasted veggies and beautiful floral arrangements are other celebration features.
Breast Cancer Awareness Facts
A women’s night out, filled with games, conversation and fun, is another October celebration idea. And, there is a lot to celebrate during the October Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Over the years, mortality rates have dropped. And, each breast cancer survivor helps women and men see that a diagnosis doesn’t have to signal the end of life.
Yet, as far as science, medicine, families and individuals have come as it regards breast cancer awareness, there is still work to do. This is due, in large part, to the fact that 1 in 8 women living in the United States will develop an invasive breast cancer, according to
Prior efforts, including personal awareness, may help contribute to there being 3.8 million women in America who have faced breast cancer and are alive today. This number is as of 2019. The American Cancer Society also shares that, “More than 150,000 breast cancer survivors are living with metastatic disease, three-fourths of whom were originally diagnosed with stage I-III.” Clearly, there’s evidence that research, financial support and awareness have yielded results.
Facing Breast Cancer
In addition to participating in breast cancer awareness events, including educational programs that spotlight early diagnosis (e.g. getting breast cancer in the early twenties), recurring cancer and breast cancer awareness African American events, it’s important to be there for women and men who are facing a new breast cancer diagnosis. After all, even with lower breast cancer mortality rates, it can be scary to receive a breast cancer diagnosis.
Hiding from fear doesn’t work magic. Fear that finds you turning away from what’s happening to your body, won’t improve the situation. That’s why it’s important to develop a reliable breast cancer awareness support system. For example, you might attend a support breast cancer awareness discussion group at the worship center that you attend.
Finding Help For The Breast Cancer Journey
Or, you might attend a support breast cancer awareness discussion group that’s sponsored by your local hospital or the treatment center where part of your healing takes place. Other ways to build a support system include:
Visiting with loving and trustworthy family and friends one or more times a week – Personal connections are important to any healing. They’re also the important basics of living a very good life.
Adding 3 to 5 telephone numbers and email addresses in your cell phone contacts of people who you can contact should you feel in need of additional support
Practice being flexible with yourself and others
Be patient with yourself as you journey along the healing path
Breast Cancer Awareness Fears
It might not seem like it now. But, you’ll likely need support. In fact, you may feel like you need support some times more than others. For instance, offer yourself support as you deal with common breast cancer fears. Whether you’re dealing with breast cancer yourself or are concerned about someone else who is, here are some common breast cancer fears:
Will I receive a breast cancer diagnosis? This fear alone could keep you from getting a mammogram or even keeping an annual checkup. It may help to research breast cancer awareness, potentially reducing your fear. Your fear could lower if your breast cancer research shows that your risks of developing the disease may be lower than you’d previously thought.
Could breast cancer treatments require surgery? And if my treatments call for surgery, will I look different?
How will I feel during treatments? For example, you may wonder if you’ll always feel weak and tired.
And, if I have had breast cancer before, will the disease return?
These are common fears, according to Therefore, if you find yourself wrestling with these or similar fears, you’re not alone in what you’re experiencing. Be gentle with yourself.
Uplifting Breast Cancer Memoir
And, find ways to disconnect from worrying about the disease. You could do this by reading books that have a gentle effect on readers. For example, you could read an uplifting breast cancer memoir. In fact, a good breast cancer memoir, including a fictional breast cancer memoir that deals with real life events, could help you to see and feel that you are not alone.
Connect deeply with one or more characters in the breast cancer memoir, and you could feel encouraged and empowered to continue to work towards a healing. This could include seeking a second or third opinion about medical findings. Even more, you could feel like you have a friend who’s journeying on the path to healing with you.
Portia is one such breast cancer memoir. Set in Chicago, during the 1970s, Portia is the story of a successful defense attorney who’s finally learning to see her worth. Although she’s from a loving family, she has been in an abusive relationship for months. Just as she gets fed up with the abuse and breaks free of the ugly relationship, she meets a loving man. But, the timing seems all wrong. Because not only does Portia finally start receiving the love that she deserves, this is when she receives a breast cancer diagnosis.
Stay Motivated
Fortunately, Portia has a strong breast cancer awareness support system. And, does she ever lean on this support system. In fact, she looks to her faith, family and the love of a good man to meet the challenges of breast cancer.
At first glance, Portia seemed like just an inspirational fictional book. Then, a woman shared the story of bringing Portia to her mother as one of her mother’s breast cancer awareness gifts. Her mother was in the hospital, receiving care for breast cancer. At the time, the woman’s mother was ready to give up on her own life. There was something in Portia that she connected with. Reading Portia may have played a role in the mother being encouraged to continue her breast cancer healing journey.
And, I remember when my aunt was dealing with a breast cancer diagnosis. She was told that she had months to live. She too read a book, a memoir about a woman who’d faced breast cancer in the 1970s. Reading the book gave my aunt strength to stay motivated and keep going.
Supporting Others
Just like the mother and my aunt, stay motivated. Also, make choices that support your healing. For instance, eat a diet rich with vegetables, fresh fruit and plenty of water. Get outdoors and enjoy some exercise. Surround yourself with love, including people who respect and support you. This October, celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month by celebrating your successes, your forward strides.
By African American Author Denise Turney
Virtual walks, wearing the breast cancer pink ribbon and breast cancer awareness bracelets are just some of the ways that women and men celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There are also corporate sponsorships for breast cancer fundraisers. Pink breast cancer awareness balloons, breast cancer awareness gifts and healthy food treats like fruit baskets, roasted veggies and beautiful floral arrangements are other celebration features.
A women’s night out, filled with games, conversation and fun, is another October celebration idea. And, there is a lot to celebrate during the October Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Over the years, mortality rates have dropped. And, each breast cancer survivor helps women and men see that a diagnosis doesn’t have to signal the end of life.
Yet, as far as science, medicine, families and individuals have come as it regards breast cancer awareness, there is still work to do. This is due, in large part, to the fact that 1 in 8 women living in the United States will develop an invasive breast cancer, according to
Prior efforts, including personal awareness, may help contribute to there being 3.8 million women in America who have faced breast cancer and are alive today. This number is as of 2019. The American Cancer Society also shares that, “More than 150,000 breast cancer survivors are living with metastatic disease, three-fourths of whom were originally diagnosed with stage I-III.” Clearly, there’s evidence that research, financial support and awareness have yielded results.
Facing Breast Cancer
In addition to participating in breast cancer awareness events, including educational programs that spotlight early diagnosis (e.g. getting breast cancer in the early twenties), recurring cancer and breast cancer awareness African American events, it’s important to be there for women and men who are facing a new breast cancer diagnosis. After all, even with lower breast cancer mortality rates, it can be scary to receive a breast cancer diagnosis.
Hiding from fear doesn’t work magic. Fear that finds you turning away from what’s happening to your body, won’t improve the situation. That’s why it’s important to develop a reliable breast cancer awareness support system. For example, you might attend a support breast cancer awareness discussion group at the worship center that you attend.
Finding Help For The Breast Cancer Journey
Or, you might attend a support breast cancer awareness discussion group that’s sponsored by your local hospital or the treatment center where part of your healing takes place. Other ways to build a support system include:
Visiting with loving and trustworthy family and friends one or more times a week – Personal connections are important to any healing. They’re also the important basics of living a very good life.
Adding 3 to 5 telephone numbers and email addresses in your cell phone contacts of people who you can contact should you feel in need of additional support
Practice being flexible with yourself and others
Be patient with yourself as you journey along the healing path
Breast Cancer Awareness Fears
It might not seem like it now. But, you’ll likely need support. In fact, you may feel like you need support some times more than others. For instance, offer yourself support as you deal with common breast cancer fears. Whether you’re dealing with breast cancer yourself or are concerned about someone else who is, here are some common breast cancer fears:
Will I receive a breast cancer diagnosis? This fear alone could keep you from getting a mammogram or even keeping an annual checkup. It may help to research breast cancer awareness, potentially reducing your fear. Your fear could lower if your breast cancer research shows that your risks of developing the disease may be lower than you’d previously thought.
Could breast cancer treatments require surgery? And if my treatments call for surgery, will I look different?
How will I feel during treatments? For example, you may wonder if you’ll always feel weak and tired.
And, if I have had breast cancer before, will the disease return?
These are common fears, according to Therefore, if you find yourself wrestling with these or similar fears, you’re not alone in what you’re experiencing. Be gentle with yourself.
Uplifting Breast Cancer Memoir
And, find ways to disconnect from worrying about the disease. You could do this by reading books that have a gentle effect on readers. For example, you could read an uplifting breast cancer memoir. In fact, a good breast cancer memoir, including a fictional breast cancer memoir that deals with real life events, could help you to see and feel that you are not alone.
Connect deeply with one or more characters in the breast cancer memoir, and you could feel encouraged and empowered to continue to work towards a healing. This could include seeking a second or third opinion about medical findings. Even more, you could feel like you have a friend who’s journeying on the path to healing with you.
Portia is one such breast cancer memoir. Set in Chicago, during the 1970s, Portia is the story of a successful defense attorney who’s finally learning to see her worth. Although she’s from a loving family, she has been in an abusive relationship for months. Just as she gets fed up with the abuse and breaks free of the ugly relationship, she meets a loving man. But, the timing seems all wrong. Because not only does Portia finally start receiving the love that she deserves, this is when she receives a breast cancer diagnosis.
Stay Motivated
Fortunately, Portia has a strong breast cancer awareness support system. And, does she ever lean on this support system. In fact, she looks to her faith, family and the love of a good man to meet the challenges of breast cancer.
At first glance, Portia seemed like just an inspirational fictional book. Then, a woman shared the story of bringing Portia to her mother as one of her mother’s breast cancer awareness gifts. Her mother was in the hospital, receiving care for breast cancer. At the time, the woman’s mother was ready to give up on her own life. There was something in Portia that she connected with. Reading Portia may have played a role in the mother being encouraged to continue her breast cancer healing journey.
And, I remember when my aunt was dealing with a breast cancer diagnosis. She was told that she had months to live. She too read a book, a memoir about a woman who’d faced breast cancer in the 1970s. Reading the book gave my aunt strength to stay motivated and keep going.
Supporting Others
Just like the mother and my aunt, stay motivated. Also, make choices that support your healing. For instance, eat a diet rich with vegetables, fresh fruit and plenty of water. Get outdoors and enjoy some exercise. Surround yourself with love, including people who respect and support you. This October, celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month by celebrating your successes, your forward strides.
Or you can support another woman or man who’s dealing with breast cancer by offering to drive them to treatments or breast cancer awareness support group discussions. Other options include wearing a breast cancer pink ribbon or breast cancer awareness bracelets during October to show your support. If you value books, you could also gift a friend, including a breast cancer survivor, with an uplifting breast cancer memoir.
Or you can support another woman or man who’s dealing with breast cancer by offering to drive them to treatments or breast cancer awareness support group discussions. Other options include wearing a breast cancer pink ribbon or breast cancer awareness bracelets during October to show your support. If you value books, you could also gift a friend, including a breast cancer survivor, with an uplifting breast cancer memoir.
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