Your life calling

By Rhonda Campbell

The way to reach your destiny is to accept change. You can resist, but you cannot stop it. You are not going to stay where you are right now. Even if you are pursuing your life calling, change will occur.

George Bernard Shaw said that, “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” At first glance, change that you experience appears to take place outside of you.

Change as part of your life calling

Perhaps you move to a new residence, possibly even relocating across the country or abroad. You may start working at a new company or let go of a relationship that is no longer serving you and the other person’s best interest. Or maybe your adult child leaves home to attend college out-of-state or moves out of your house into his own place.

It does seem that these changes are not orchestrated by inner shifts that you are experiencing. Yet, when you consider that not everyone starts a new job, moves across country or even has an adult child move into his own place, it’s obvious that routine and coincidence are not the cause of the changes.

Inner change is what helps you to fulfill your life calling. The sooner that you accept that inner change is a key part of your life calling, the less challenging different experiences may become. Resist change and you may start to feel stuck, as if, regardless of how much you do or how hard you try, you’re not going anywhere.

Accept change and keep advancing

Some refer to this as treadmill living. You can sweat all that you want, but you don’t seem to move forward. I’ve been there. It leads to painful, frustration, the kind of frustration that can find you doubting your ability to succeed, your ability to fulfill your life calling.

You might even start to doubt your life calling.

Burying or running away from your authentic thoughts or feelings are signs that you are resisting change. Procrastination, self-medicating and disassociation are other signs that you may be resisting change.

After awhile, the painful emotions associated with the resistance may start to wear on you. The smart choice is to let go and stop fighting change. Ask for guidance if you’re feeling afraid. Your Higher Self knows the way.

Change is coming

Now, here’s the thing. Even after you achieve certain levels of success and fulfill goals, more change is coming. There’s not a place in this world where you can avoid change. Why? You’re still awaking.

During hard times, experiences that you want to avoid most, change is the thing that you want. You may demand change then. During the good times, change may be the last thing that you want. Yet, it’s still coming.

This may be why change feels unsafe. It certainly signals that we are not in control of the universe. The good news is that, when we follow our Higher Self, change leads us to our core. It’s a journey worth taking, the journey that leads to your life calling.

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Your life calling

Staring Down Small Business Reality

By Rhonda Campbell
Small business reality may not always be a pretty picture. Talk with a small business owner, especially if they’ve only been operating their small business for a few weeks or months, and you might think running a company is the easiest way to get rich. You also might think by owning a business you can work fewer hours, perhaps put less effort into your work than you’ve done while working any other job.

If you don’t do your research into small business reality, you could start a small business with your eyes wide shut. Should this happen, when you experience your first small business sales slump you might spend needless dollars to rev up customer sales or you might contemplate throwing in the towel.

The facts are that most, if not all, businesses experience sales slumps. It’s a reason entrepreneurs learn about and manage their cash flows. It’s also a reason smart entrepreneurs who own a small business refuse to practice self-delusion, a leading cause for getting harpooned by small business reality.

Instead of burying their heads in the sand and telling themselves sales will magically pick up, smart entrepreneurs face small business reality head on and take steps to turn the tide. For example, they might survey customers to discover what they like most and least about their business or they might survey employees to see if their company has developed silos or is experiencing employee engagement or management issues.

To discover why sales have slumped entrepreneurs might also implement market and industry research to learn about growth trends and new products and services they can develop, patent and put on the market to stimulate sales. What they won’t do is act as if what’s taking place right in front of their eyes isn’t happening.

What they won’t do is let their business die a slow death because they deceived themselves into believing magic was going to sprinkle stardust on their business, magically sending people rushing to purchase their small business products without their having to make any inner and/or outer changes.

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Finding Teens Summer Jobs

By Rhonda Campbell
Finding teens summer jobs may best be left in the hands of teens themselves. After all,, teens are responsible. Proof is in the numbers. A whopping 97% of young adults between their teens and early twenties has worked a job, according to Child Trends. Due to child labor laws, many of these employment opportunities come in the form of summer jobs.

Fortunately, finding teens summer jobs has improved over the last several years. The challenge comes when teens apply to the same few summer jobs. Restaurants accounted for 32.5% of teens summer jobs, while retailers accounted for another 22.5% of the jobs, according to Pew Research.

Finding Teens Summer Jobs that Reward Beyond a Paycheck

Finding teens summer jobs takes innovation, especially if teens want to work jobs that stretch their abilities, give them a real feel for the adult working work, align with their passions and put them in contact with employers they may want to work for after they graduate from high school or college. Teens should consider the type of career they want to work. By working summer jobs that allow them to use their passions and talents, they could reap rewards that extend beyond a paycheck.

In addition to local restaurants, hotels, youth centers, beaches and retail stores, other places to find rewarding summer jobs for teens include museums, law offices and grocery stores. Teens who are in college can land summer jobs with major corporations, including Fortune 100 firms, by applying for internships. Many corporations start recruiting for these spots as early as December and January.

Great Contacts for Finding Teens Summer Jobs

Parents can search their firm’s human resources internship criteria. If their child fits the criteria, they can reach out to a college recruiter and find out what they need to do to submit their teen’s application for an internship. College career counselors are another great resource that students can contact to find out about internships that their school is participating in during summer months.

More places to search while in the process of finding teens summer jobs are:

• Golf courses or country clubs
• Summer camps (may be a good fit for teens who are interested in entering training, leadership or coaching careers)
• Landscaping companies
• City government agencies (Local TV stations may have details on some of these jobs)
• Libraries
• Amusement parks
• Airports
• Zoos
• Charities
• Designers
• Magazines and newspapers (could be great to teens who want to enter writing, journalism and editing careers)
• Radio stations (any future DJs or talk radio hosts out there?)
• Florist shops
• Photography studies
• Flea markets
• Event planning companies
• Book publishers
• Tutoring companies
• Dance studios
• Content marketing companies
• Web designers
• Animal training organizations
• Horse stables
• Churches and other worship centers
• Construction companies
• National parks
• Movie theaters
• Insurance companies
• Recording studios
• Pet farms
• Staffing agencies
• Fishing organizations
• Local tourist organizations

Places that list summer jobs for teens include:

• Hire Teen (
• Camp Resource (
• Summer Jobs (
• Snag a Job (
• Groove Job (
• Teens for Hire (
• Summer Camp Jobs (
• Job Monkey (
• Local online newspapers job listings sections
• Employment agencies

Finding teens summer jobs is only the start. At the end of summer jobs, teens can ask their employers for their contact information and if they would be agreeable to serving as a reference when teens apply for other summer jobs or full-time jobs in the future. By volunteering for projects, they could also increase the chances that they will stand out in employers’ memories, a great plus should teens want to return and work for certain employers after they finish school.

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Daylight Savings Time Facts

By Rhonda Campbell
Daylight savings time (DSL) started in 1908. It was first used in Canada. In the United States, DSL starts at 2am on a Sunday.

Never mind that daylight savings time was started to save energy. Adjusting to the one hour time shift is not as easy as it seems. And rolling out of bed late, forcing yourself to have to skip breakfast to make it to work on time, is just one of the drawbacks that people experience due to daylight savings time.

Daylight Savings Time As An Idea

Scientists like Benjamin Franklin and George Hudson were proponents of pushing clocks forward an hour when temperatures rise, then back an hour when temperatures cool. Benjamin Franklin is credited with coming up with the idea in 1784. However, studies have shown that springing clocks forward in March then back in November, doesn’t save much energy. Scientific Journal reports that, “But recent studies have cast doubt on the energy argument—some research has even found that it ultimately leads to greater power use.”

The thing is that while daylight savings time may reduce the numbers of hours that people use human-made lighting to light their residences, higher temperatures increase demand on cooling systems. People living in areas like “Hotlanta” get it.

Countries That Recognize Daylight Savings Time

More than 70 countries observe daylight savings time. Check out this chart to see when different countries observe the “energy saving” event.

European countries started using daylights savings time during World War I. America started using daylight savings time in 1918. It wasn’t without difficulties. A year later, the United States abandoned the use of DSL.

Daylight Savings Time As Law

The second world war brought the United States back into the game. Yet, DSL hadn’t come under federal law yet. That didn’t happen until 1966 with the passing of the Uniform Time Act, according to Snopes. DSL was extended August 8, 2005 when President George W. Bush signed the Energy Policy Act into law.

Time Change Cons 

driving in the dark
Drawbacks to daylight savings time include people heading out to work and children heading to school in the dark. According to The Week, 100 people would not perish in auto accidents due to darker commutes.


Tired Of Daylight Savings Time

Darkness also invites people with criminal mindsets to engage in illegal behavior. Less sleep has had a negative impact on memory, mood, insomnia, injuries and brain disorders like depression. As reported in The New York Times, depression symptoms generally rise during the fall, when countries set their clocks back an hour.

But, there are upsides too. In the spring, you can actually hang out (out-out, as in outdoors) after you get home from work. You can enjoy exercising outdoors more. And weekends can feel longer, a lot more fun.

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Sanford and Son, a True TV Classic

By Avery Baxter

sanford and son tv

Wikimedia Commons

Sanford and Son is a true television classic. Few TV sitcoms focus on the relationship between a father and a son, let alone spotlight such a relationship. Made to be a comedy, Sanford and Son pulls off another rare feat for television. Sanford and Son developed well rounded characters. Who doesn’t feel as if Fred and Lamont, Esther, Bubba, Rollo, Julio and Donna could be real people, maybe someone in the neighborhood?

Sanford and Son Famous One Liners

Thankfully, TV One keeps introducing Sanford and Son to new television watchers while treating baby boomers to one of America’s top sitcoms. Remember the one liners like “you better shut your double breasted lips,” “fish eyed fool” and “oh-oh, this is the big one”?

As quick as Fred was, Esther was just as quick, at times quicker. Her one liners were hilarious, digging at Fred. And who knew that so many interesting experiences could take place at a junk yard?
One of my favorite Sanford and Son episodes was when Lamont bought two coffins in the house. Fred absolutely refused to sleep in the house as long as the coffins were in the house. Macho bravado would not allow Lamont to give in. Then, night came. Cats meowed, dark settled down throughout the house and Lamont’s courage started to shrink. It was Lamont’s attempts to feign courage that made this one of the show’s funniest episodes.

The day that Lamont brought an old rifle home is another Sanford and Son favorite. Lamont paid fifty bucks for the rifle, a deal that Fred thought was a rip off. But, when didn’t Fred think that Lamont had made a bad deal?

Sanford and Son’s Fred is a Rare Character

As usual, Fred exaggerated wartime exploits. Only this time, Fred didn’t boost his military experiences. Instead, he raved about his cousin. Walking from one spot to another in the house, Fred showed how his cousin had made his way through a war zone, taking aim at would be attackers.

Too bad, Fred had recently argued with Lamont and his neighbor, Goldstein.

The rifle went off and a bullet flew through the front door and blasted through Goldstein’s window. No one could tell Fred and Lamont that Fred hadn’t shot and killed Goldstein. The two worked up a scheme to find out what happened to Goldstein. Their desperation pushed them to make a move that turned out to cost them $1,000.
Sanford and Son ran for five years. The first three seasons were the best, if you ask me. Redd Foxx brought Fred to life in a way that maybe only he could have. Who knew that a 1970s TV classic would still be entertaining viewers more than 40 years after the TV sitcom first aired?

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