Category Archives: Personal Thoughts
Why all is not lost if your kid hates preschool
It’s a challenge, but you’ve found a way to juggle working a rewarding job or running your own business and raising a healthy family. Now you’ve hit a snag. Your child loved daycare, playing and interacting with other children and … Continue reading
Lose 10 pounds fast
By Rhonda Campbell Losing weight and getting down to a healthy weight is a sign of self-love. Even losing 10 pounds could help you avoid high blood pressure and joint pain. Dropping weight could also set a positive example for … Continue reading
Foods that help ease arthritis pain
Eating right and taking care of your body has long term positive consequences. In addition to enjoying how you look, by eating right and taking care of your body, you could steer clear of arthritis. This would make you unique … Continue reading
Batteries improving electric cars
Electric cars aren’t going away. If oil continues to lose steam and the cost of electric cars drop, the numbers of people investing in the cars could increase. Alternatives to using crude oil is welcomed with opened arms by some … Continue reading
Great holiday gifts for entrepreneurs
By Rhonda Campbell Busy entrepreneurs rarely take the time to buy themselves great holiday gifts, but do they ever appreciate getting great holiday gifts. Winning organization and time management skills are hallmarks of great entrepreneurs. In today’s busy work environment, … Continue reading