Waiting Does Not Guarantee Success

By Rhonda Campbell
When I was a kid, I couldn’t count the number of times I heard that waiting yielded miraculous results. It reached the point where I thought asking for something then waiting was all that was needed to get what I wanted. And so I waited and waited.

After awhile I realized that I had to take action (not just wait for a mysterious power to give me what I wanted). That’s when I started yielding results. As I got older, I started learning about the impact that thoughts and beliefs have on behavior. Despite my efforts to figure out all the keys to achieving success, I haven’t pulled that off yet, and I’ve achieved success in several areas of my life.

Although I haven’t figured out every key to achieving success, I do know that waiting doesn’t guarantee success. Yes. You may have to wait to see the results of your product development, marketing and sales efforts. However, waiting alone won’t get you results. Even Moses had to step into the Red Sea and walk all the way to the other side.

Whether you do mind or brain work, meditate or pray, at some point, you’re going to have to take action to produce results. This means, you can’t just hold business meetings and discuss-discuss-discuss your plans. You can’t just map out one project after another. To succeed, you’re going to have to make decisions and take action on those decisions.

It could be this (decision making followed by concise action) that makes waiting appear magical and alluring. After all, there’s little risks involved in just waiting. There may not be any embarrassment to suffer, money to lose or messes to clean up.

On the other hand, just waiting could start to be an emotional drain, not to mention frustrating. Imagine waiting for years to get a business off the ground without ever filing state or federal paperwork. Imagine waiting for decades to increase product sales without taking action and changing your marketing or sales techniques. In fact, as the world keeps changing, in time, just waiting could find your business being obsolete.

But, there’s another, perhaps more important, point to consider. If you’re doing what you love, why wouldn’t you want to take action? Why wouldn’t you want to roll up your sleeves and spend time doing what causes you to experience joy?

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