Is Your Marketing Platform Large Enough?

By Rhonda Campbell 

Let’s face it. A gold fish is not a killer whale. And as much as you might not want to admit it your marketing platform might not be large enough to grow your creative business the way you want to. But not so fast. It doesn’t mean you have to rush out and hire the first marketing agency you see.

What About Marketing Platforms

To give you an example of what I’m talking about when I say “marketing platform” following are a few examples of creative business marketing platforms: 

  • Bid Management Marketing Platform (think Pay-per-click ads)
  • Content Marketing Platform (loads of SEO articles)
  • Social Media Marketing Platform (working Google Plus, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Posterous, Stumble Upon, etc.)
  • Radio Marketing Platform
  • Television Marketing Platform
  • Video Marketing Platform (YouTube videos, etc.)
  • Public Speaker Marketing Platforms 

There are others, but this gives you an idea of what I mean when I say “marketing platform.” Look the list over. Does it appear daunting, especially when you consider that you have to work these platforms regularly? 

Oh, and of course, if you’re a solopreneur there’s that other thing on your “to do” list – your job!  

Ideas to Grow Your Creative Business Marketing Platforms

To market at three or more platforms a week, consider hiring a team of part-time independent contractors (e.g. copywriters, technicians) to create videos, digital newsletters, direct mail letters, etc. for you. If you want to increase sales using a content marketing platform 4 to 5 experienced writers can do wonders for your business. Several content management firms have already proven that there’s lots of money in those SEO article trees! Some of those companies have even gone public. 

More Ways to Grow Creative Business Marketing Platforms

Also upload new content several times a week. Odd thing about the web, once you stop updating even stellar material, folks find another pond to go fishing in. 

Same goes for videos, radio and television interviews. Keep material at these platforms fresh, which goes back to the need to possibly hire staff. At some point if you’re doing things right, you’re gonna have to hire help. That’s a very good thing! 

One more bit of advice, if you post content (e.g. articles, videos) to other websites as a guest blogger, etc. make sure those platforms are large enough to get you results. Think about it. You wouldn’t want to pay money on pay-per-click (PPC) ads that were generating zippo sales. Why continue to post content at sites that aren’t growing your business (unless you’re growing your creative business links)? 

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5 Responses to Is Your Marketing Platform Large Enough?

  1. Robert says:

    Television is expensive unless you do online TV. But marketing options are growing rapidly. You almost need to hire a team of marketing pros to keep up with the changes so you can have a presence on each of the marketing platforms.

  2. admin says:

    Tks, Robert! Technology is leveling the playing field and making it easier for everyday folks to start and operate successful businesses. At the pace new technology tools are being created, one can only wonder what’s on the horizon for 2012.

  3. Joshua says:

    So many social networks to stay active on. It’s worth it, but it takes time and effort. Expect to see more tools that make it easier to stay active in so many different places at once.

  4. Pingback: Business Self-Promotion Pros and Cons | Write Money Incorporated

  5. Pingback: Social Media Evolving, Changing Business and Marketing | Write Money Incorporated

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