Build Holiday Website Traffic the Easy, Heartfelt Way

Build Holiday Website Traffic by Renjishino at Wikimedia Commons

Enrich Your Creative Business Website with Holiday Focused Content

It’s possible to design your website and enrich it with quality holiday focused content so the numbers of visitors to your website actually increase during the holidays. Forget adding bells and whistles to your website as that’ll likely only add to the time it takes for your site to download each time someone stops in for a visit.  

How about taking a walk down memory lane?  Remember when the Internet was relatively new?  You could discover a new website in a matter of moments. Excite and Alta Vista were major search engines back then. Word got out, the numbers of people surfing the internet ballooned from the thousands to the millions to the over two billion. Seems the number of business and personal websites grew by as much over the same time period.  

Spotlight Your Favorite Holidays and Build Website Traffic

In those early days it wasn’t uncommon to come across a website that gave away free holiday clipart or let you download free holiday music. Just because those websites aren’t as easy to find as they once seemed to be doesn’t mean you can’t sincerely focus on your favorite holidays two to four weeks out from the actual holiday. To build holiday website traffic consider: 

  • Creating a page at your website that focuses solely on holidays
  • Adding recipes to homemade dishes on your holiday page
  • Allowing visitors to submit holiday dishes to the holiday page
  • Uploading office and/or personal pictures of your colleagues, family and friends celebrating the holidays as a team
  • Uploading a video of you singing a few holiday song stanzas a cappella
  • Running a contest with a business friend, awarding whoever sends the most holiday traffic to the others website within a week a vacation package
  • Posting a new holiday comment or picture that visitors send you to your website each day
  • Building a list of things you appreciate about your favorite holidays (allow visitors to send you items to add to the list)
  • Creating and sending out a special holiday newsletter or electronic postcard to customers, clients and people who subscribed to your webinars, telecasts and newsletters during the year 

There Are Endless Ways to Highlight Holidays

As you can see there are endless ways to spotlight your favorite holidays and build traffic to your website. In fact, building holiday website traffic may be easier than you think, especially if you have a genuine interest in the holidays highlighted at your website. After all, it’s often the insincerity that consumers pick up in ads that turn them off, sending their defenses up.  

To lower consumer defenses (I mean, who doesn’t get tired of being sold to all the time; sometimes we just want a good, simple conversation with folks) share your passions about one or more of your favorite holidays with website visitors. Have fun and watch your holiday traffic head upwards. 

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